
New Revenue Stream for Property Owners

With the rise of electric vehicles, offering EV charging stations can be seen as an income opportunity. EVnSteven helps you turn this potential into reality by enabling property owners to increase their property value and generate additional income, making it a profitable venture.

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Electrical Peak Shaving - Reducing CO2 Emissions with EVnSteven

Electrical Peak Shaving - Reducing CO2 Emissions with EVnSteven

Electrical peak shaving is a technique used to reduce the maximum power demand (or peak demand) on an electrical grid. This is accomplished by managing and controlling the load on the grid during periods of high demand, typically through various strategies such as:

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Reducing CO2 Emissions by Promoting Off-Peak Charging

Reducing CO2 Emissions by Promoting Off-Peak Charging

The EVnSteven app is playing a role in reducing CO2 emissions by promoting off-peak overnight charging at inexpensive Level 1 (L1) outlets in apartments and condos. By encouraging EV owners to charge their vehicles during off-peak hours, typically overnight, the app helps reduce additional demand on base-load power.

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