How EVnSteven Works: It's Not Rocket Science

How EVnSteven Works: It's Not Rocket Science

Calculating power costs for EV charging is easy — it’s just basic math! We assume the power level stays constant while charging, so we only need to know the start and end times of each session. This approach is simple and accurate enough based on our real-world tests. Our goal is to keep things fair, simple, and cost-effective for everyone — property owners, EV drivers, and the environment.

What is EVnSteven? It’s a mobile app that helps track EV charging at regular unmetered outlets and basic Level 2 charging stations in trusted places like apartments, condos, and hotels. There’s no need for expensive metered charging stations. Here’s a quick overview of how it works:

Step 1: Registering Stations & Print Signage

Building owners or managers can register standard electrical outlets as charging stations in the app. Each station gets a unique ID and a scannable QR code that is printed on a sign placed above the outlet. You can print the sign using a laser printer or send out a PDF to have professional signs made at your local print center.

EVnSteven Station Sign

Step 2: User Check-In

EV drivers who want to charge their car can scan the QR code to check in with the app. This adds the station to their favorites, making it easy to find for future charging sessions.

Step 3: Charging Sessions

Users start a session by checking in when they begin charging and check out when they’re done. The app tracks how long the car is plugged in and estimates the power used based on the charging time and the outlet’s power level.

Step 4: Monthly Invoicing

At the end of the month, the app generates an invoice for each user’s charging activity and sends it on behalf of the station owner. Each station has its own terms, which users agree to before charging, so everyone is on the same page.

Payment & Cost

EVnSteven uses an honor system — it doesn’t process payments directly. Station owners handle payments themselves, letting users know how to pay (e.g., Venmo, Interac, cash). Using the app costs users only $0.12 per session to support its operation, maintenance, and ongoing development. This is the lowest cost we could set to keep the app running and improving.

Preventing Theft & Misuse

Users who cheat the system eventually get caught. Owners can revoke their charging privileges and direct them to public charging stations. Think of it like enforcing parking rules in a building: if you’re not authorized to park, you’ll be towed. Also, let’s be real — we’re not talking about a lot of money here. It’s not worth risking getting caught, especially in a trusted community where people know you. EVnSteven is not for public charging — it’s for trusted spaces where people know each other.

EVnSteven is a simple, low-cost way to track EV charging, making it easy for building owners to share charging access and for EV drivers to charge their cars.

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